How a Qualified EB 5 Attorney Helps in Legal Risks with Regional Centers

regional center. Regional centers are practically the very foundation of the EB 5 concept and, based on the success of the investment, the foreign investor may or may not attain naturalization. And that is the reason why there are so many questions related to regional centers which only a specialized EB5 attorney could properly answer.

Characteristics of Regional Centers
There are some general facts that define regional centers and that you should be informed about.

Regional centers are established by local American business people in order to attract

investment capital to serve current or future business venture needs.
Types of investment may range from solar energy plants to commercial real property.
In most cases, such ventures are not likely to attract investors as they are not supported by a great history of track records.
The financial returns are generally modest.
They accept foreign investors in the EB5 investment visa program.
There are 150 USCIS regional centers throughout the United States.
The selection of the most adequate center involves a complex evaluation process handled by an EB5 attorney in the majority of cases.

Legal Risks with Regional Centers
There certain issues which may trigger legal risks related to the selected regional center. Here are some of the most common EB investment visa issues that an EB5 attorney identifies in that respect:

The methodology employed by that specific regional center to create the ten required jobs.
The history of the center for immigration petitions related to the EB5 Investment visa.
Securities and Exchange Commission compliance, otherwise known as SEC compliance.
Litigation cases in which the center or principles may be involved.
Any significant changes in the business plan.
Systemic risks such as changes in the immigration law or US tax law.

Financial Risks with Regional Centers
Although the EB5 investment visa program is not a typical investment opportunity, it is still an investment and any investment involves certain financial risks which can or cannot be predicted or estimated by the EB5 attorney. There are obviously factors which need to be assessed as to the financial risks they may entail and here are some examples:

Equity or loan based investment involving advantages and disadvantages of each case as well as investment period.
Operating history of the current project such as