Navigating ADHD at Home: A Mom’s Journey

Understanding ADHD in the Home Environment

Michelle’s friends often called her “lunatique.” Her days were filled with questions like, “Mom, isn’t my lunch ready yet? I have to go back to school!” and “Michelle, did you get my suits from the dry cleaners? You are at home all day and I still have to do everything!” Despite her best efforts, Michelle felt like she was constantly falling behind. Unbeknownst to her and her family, Michelle had Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) without hyperactivity, a condition that affects women more frequently than men.

The Nature of ADD-Inattentive Type

ADD-inattentive type is characterized by low energy, dreaminess, and difficulty focusing and completing tasks. Unlike the hyperactive type, it often goes unnoticed because it doesn’t involve disruptive behavior. Michelle struggled to connect and function effectively in her daily life because her brain processed information differently.
The ADHD Brain: A Double-Edged Sword

ADHD is a neurological difference that can make mundane tasks feel insurmountable. While the ADHD brain can excel when engaged in a passion, it often shuts down during routine activities. Medication can be helpful for some, but it is not always sufficient. Coaching provides positive support and guidance, especially for those who prefer not to take medication.
Michelle’s Journey to Manage ADHD

For Michelle, housework felt like an endless mountain of quicksand. She would start one task, move to another, and by the end of the day, nothing was completed. Coaching helped her create a list of needed supplies and store them where they would be used. She also made and prioritized a list of tasks for each room and posted it in a discreet corner. This system allowed her to tackle housework efficiently, freeing up energy for other aspects of her life.
The Power of Lists and Organization